Welcome to Kingdom Culture Lifestyle

At the Tent Of Meeting Fellowship, we are passionate about our Lord's Kingdom Culture that reflects the values and principles of the Bible. We believe in following the Commandments of  Yahshua which leads us to a Godly Life. Our Fellowship Outreach is centered in the Revival Movement, an around building a community that lives out the teachings of Yahshua/Jesus and the early church as described in the book of Acts.

Living the Abundant Life

We believe in empowering individuals to live the abundant life that Yahshua/Jesus promises. Through our outreach programs and community events, we provide opportunities for believers to grow spiritually and experience the fullness of life in Him.

Embracing the Fruit of His Spirit

Our Kingdom Culture is rooted in the empowerment of the fruit of His Spirit. We encourage believers to cultivate a lifestyle that reflects the character of God and the transformational power of His Spirit.