


Please Listen - "Unending Revival - Be Filled And Refilled"


Beloved One

Wondrous Realm

I Was Here For You


At The Feet Of The Master - Communion- Prayer

Worship - Intercession Prayer - Meditation on God's Word - & Hearing the Voice of God

We teach you about the sacred place, knowing you start and continue to ask Him to pitch His tent with you and you pitch your tent with Him. [John 14:23].  The object is to come into the "Abiding Anointed presence of him.

Encountering and meeting up with God should never be rare!

 "At the Feet of The Master", you will embark on a transformative journey, understanding how to make your encounters with God more amazing.  Here, you will be taught how to pray, meditate on God's word, worship - minstring as David did , and receive from Adonai. We will teach you how to heard the voice of God and be confirmed in your journey. The teachings imparted to you will guide you to follow an intimate path of encounter and steps ordered by the Master Yahshua.

Join Our Weekly Meetups

Experience the community of believers hungry in pursuit going after God fervently.  Connect with like-hearted individuals and who desire to experience what isn't found in man made religion. You are being invited to come into another level with God!

Don't Forget the Enliven Factor Podcast

Listen to our Enliven Factor Podcasts hosted by Shepherd Lambur. Gain valuable insights and experience instruction to enrich a deeper spiritual life.

Get Involved in Missional Opportunities

Join our micro-church mission and Acts Kickstart presentation to actively and participate in missional movements and community opportunities for expoits. Make a meaningful impact in your life and in the lives of ones you know!

Experience Transformation At The Feet Of The Master

Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and discover the path ordered by the Master Yahshua.

Join us and experience the unfolding  open door relationship you and God.

In having encounters with Him, you will never be the same!